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Review: Logos Hope Visits T&T

Zahra Gordon

The Logos Hope at Port of Spain

The Logos Hope is the world’s largest floating book fair in operation since 1970. The Christian missionary effort has made it's way around the world quite a few times and was last in Trinidad & Tobago in 2009. So what’s there not to like about a boat full of books manned by a crew representing 60 countries, which also featured performances and events focused on cultural exchange?

Well, as much as I’m in love with the idea of the Logos Hope and the diversity represented through its crew, there is something not to like. I didn’t like the lack of diversity in the children’s book section. Logos Hope is a great opportunity to promote literacy especially as the fair featured a lot of books found in local bookstores at greatly reduced prices. However, much like the local stores, the selection of books, particularly children’s books, woefully lacked characters of color. Of the hundreds of children’s titles on the boat, I found approximately 10 with characters of color (half of which were in the Doc McStuffins series).

Book Haul from the Logos Hope

I’m not sure where the Logos Hope sources their content. Based on the prices, I can only assume that they get material from a wholesaler or possible charitable donations from large publishing companies, which would of course dictate what’s in stok and reflect the market. However, it seemed like such a lost opportunity. How great would it have been to get on the boat and find one children’s book from each of the 60 countries the crew members came from? That would’ve been a great follow up to their cultural exchange events and just plain awesome! It was heartwarming to see so many people flocking to the boat with their children and famillies and buying books. It would’ve been even greater to see them buying books with characters to which children can relate or see themselves in. I can’t stress enough the importance of diverse books when it comes to self-identification and cultural appreciation. Still, the Logos Hope was worth the outing particularly as it was predicated by Simone’s Truly Sensational Ice Cream! More photos below.

If you're in Port of Spain at the Port be sure to try this great ice cream and support a small business!

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