Speak. Read. Write. Easy.
Private tutoring, writing workshops & more!
Private Tuition
One-on-one and small-group private tuition is available. Subject areas include English, creative writing and reading. Our approach to tutition is based on holistic educational enrichment and enhancing critical thinking skills. English is a subject neccessary to success in all subject areas including math and science. Therefore, a strong foundation in and understanding of the English language can lead to overall academic and personal success.
Tuition packages include:
A comprehensive assesment of the student's reading, comprehension and writing levels
Individualised educational plans geared towards strengthening skills
Homework help and revision where applicable
Enaging reading activities, educational games, critical thinking boosters
Test prep: National Test, SEA, CXC, CAPE
Daily feedback and detailed progress reports each term
Monthly newsletter with suggestions for at-home activities, books, and outings
Workshops are short-term, intensive clinics offered on a variety of subject matter related to English and Creative Writing. Speakeasy Solutions provides all materials and equipment for workshops as well as designates a location depending on the client. Certificates are presented to all partcipants who have completed our workshops. Workshops can also be customised to meet the client's needs. Some examples of available workshops are:
Creative Writing for SEA - Using Imagination to Write Well
The Academic Research Paper: Do's, Don'ts and Diving In
Easy Editing: Avoiding Mistakes when Writing for Business
Unleashing Your Inner Poet: Lessons for Beginners
Academic Support
We can also assist with one-time:
Editing of essays and research papers
Completion of long-term assignments/projects
Developing at-home educational plans for parents to administer
Rates vary. Please contact us for a quote. Consultations are free!